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透过逍遥模拟器,在电脑上下载Weather Today,享受大荧屏的畅快体验。 Weather Today offers you a wide range of clearly presented weather data.
Weather Today offers you a wide range of clearly presented weather data.
Weather Data
? Current
? Today & daily course
? Hourly forecast for up to 8 days
? Minutely forecast for precipitation for up to 60 minutes
? Daily forecast for up to 8 days
? Radar views for precipitation, cloud coverage, wind & temperature
? Nowcast radar with 10 minute steps
? Air quality
? Pollen exposure
? Weather alerts
Additional Functions & Characteristics
? Weather data retrievable based on your location or by searching locations around the world
? Places overview for quick access to the weather of your saved relevant places
? Adaptive use of colors and icons for vivid presentation of weather data
? Clear charts of weather data
? Sharing weather data & weather alerts
Available Weather Providers
? OpenWeatherMap
? Apple Weather (formerly known as Dark Sky)
? Open-Meteo
Weather providers aggregate weather information from all around the world, including data from national and local authorities.
Special Features
? Google Material You - Use colors generated by your device for a customized look and feel and seamless integration of the app into your lifestyle
? Dark Mode
? Tablet optimized UI
? Modern & customizable widgets for your Android homescreen
Excerpt of the weather data
? Weather icons
? Textual description of the weather
? Temperature (feels, highest, lowest)
? Precipitation (amount & probability)
? Cloudiness
? Air humidity
? Air pressure
? Wind speed
? Wind direction
? Gusts (speed)
? UV Index
? Dew point
? Visibility
? Moonrise & Moonset
? Moon phases
? Sunset & Sunrise
? Daytime duration
? AQI - Air Quality Index (PM2.5 - Fine particles, PM10 - Coarse particles, CO - Carbon monixide, O3 - Ozone, NO - Nitrogen monoxide, NO2 - Nitrogen dioxide, SO2 - Sulphur dioxide, NH3 - Ammonia)
? Pollen (Grass, Ragweed, Mugwort, Olive, Alder, Birch)
1. 下载逍遥安装器并完成设置
2. 启动逍遥后打开位于桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜索Weather Today
4. 下载并安装Weather Today
5. 下载完成后点击图标来启动
6. 通过逍遥在电脑上享受Weather Today
Use Weather Today on PC by following steps: