想入坑Session - Private Messenger,可是手机屏幕太小,一跑游戏就变烫,怎么办?使用逍遥模拟器,在电脑的大屏幕上畅快体验!在电脑上下载安装Session - Private Messenger,不用担心电池当掉,想玩多久玩多久,顺畅跑一天~全新的逍遥模拟器8,绝对是您体验Session - Private Messenger电脑版的好选择。完美的按键映射系统让Session - Private Messenger如端游般运行;
透过逍遥模拟器,在电脑上下载Session - Private Messenger,享受大荧屏的畅快体验。 Session is a private messenger offering privacy, anonymity, and security.
Session is a private messenger offering privacy, anonymity, and security. With end-to-end encryption, no phone numbers for sign-up, and decentralisation, Session is a messenger that truly keeps your messages private and secure.
Session uses a powerful decentralised network of servers to route your messages, making it impossible for anyone to leak or sell your data. And with Session’s private routing protocols, your messages are completely anonymous. No one ever knows who you’re talking to, what you’re saying, or even your IP address.
Privacy is the default when you use Session. Every message is encrypted, every time. We take your privacy seriously — Session gives you a safe, private place to chat with your friends, family, or anyone in the world.
? Fully anonymous account creation: No phone number or email is needed to create an Account ID
? Decentralised server network: No data breaches, no central point of failure
? No metadata logging: Session doesn't store, track, or log your messaging metadata
? IP address protection: Your IP address is protected using a specialised onion routing protocol
? Closed groups: Private, end-to-end encrypted group chats for up to 100 people
? Secure attachments: Share voice snippets, photos, and files with Session's secure encryption and privacy protections
? Free and open-source: Don’t take our word for it — check Session's code yourself
Session is free as in free speech, free as in free beer, and free of ads and trackers. Session is built and maintained by the OPTF, Australia’s first privacy tech not-for-profit organisation. Take back your online privacy today — download Session.
Want to build from source, report a bug, or just take a look at our code? Check out Session on GitHub: https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android
1. 下载逍遥安装器并完成设置
2. 启动逍遥后打开位于桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜索Session - Private Messenger
4. 下载并安装Session - Private Messenger
5. 下载完成后点击图标来启动
6. 通过逍遥在电脑上享受Session - Private Messenger
Use Session - Private Messenger on PC by following steps: