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透过逍遥模拟器,在电脑上下载App APK Extractor & Analyzer,享受大荧屏的畅快体验。 App Apk Extractor is an app to extract and generate and backup APK files of your installed android games and applications with ease.
App Apk Extractor is an app to extract and generate and backup APK files of your installed android games and applications with ease. Furthermore, you can view all the details like Permissions, Activities, Services, Receivers, Providers, and Features of your apps.
Extracting system apps and user apps are made simpler with this app. Just tap on the app and you just need to tap the Extract App button.
Analyze your installed applications and user applications with the help of advanced graphs and group them by target SDK, min SDK, install location, platform, installer, signature.
★ Fast and Easy & Simpler to use.
★ Extract all the applications & games, including system applications & user applications.
★ App Analyzer - Analyze & Group apps with target SDK, min SDK, install location, platform, installer, signature.
★ No ROOT access is required.
★ On Android 10+ devices by default APKs will be saved in /Downloads.
★ On devices lower than Android 10 by default APKs will be saved in /APKExtractor.
★ See Google Play Store app info page with just one tap.
★ Quickly search your favorite app and Extract Apk.
★ Apk Extractor also gives an option to check App Info Settings page.
★ Apk Extractor is created with Material Design with an embedded dark theme
1. 下载逍遥安装器并完成设置
2. 启动逍遥后打开位于桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜索App APK Extractor & Analyzer
4. 下载并安装App APK Extractor & Analyzer
5. 下载完成后点击图标来启动
6. 通过逍遥在电脑上享受App APK Extractor & Analyzer
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