爱玩Naija Ludo的你,双手不应该被束缚在手机的小屏幕上。像职业选手一样用键盘和滑鼠来全面控制你的游戏吧。在电脑上下载、安装Naija Ludo并尽情游玩。再也不用担心剩余电量、流量消耗和烦人的来电。全新的逍遥模拟器8是你在电脑上游玩Naija Ludo的好选择!我们用心准备,完美的按键映射系统让Naija Ludo宛如电脑游戏;
透过逍遥模拟器,在电脑上下载Naija Ludo,享受大荧屏的畅快体验。 Ludo is a classic dice and race game, played with four pieces per house and a set of dice.
Ludo is a classic dice and race game, played with four pieces per house and a set of dice.
More boards added: you can choose among three colourful boards.(use the more button from the first screen to access this feature).
**Online multiplayer: you can play with any of you friends or family members any where in the world from the comfort of your home.
**Visual hand added
**Online Multiplayer supported
**Bluetooth multiplayer supported
**Difficulty level added(Easy, Normal, Hard and Advanced)
**Speed control added. You can control how fast a Piece move.
**You can enable or disable barrier
**You can enable or disable safe-house
**You can position board the way you like
**You can choose to play with one die or two dice
**You can decide to remove a piece when it captures opponent's piece or not
**You can decided to play again when you capture opponent's piece irrespective of the outcome.
All these features are accessible through Options.
** English
** French
** Italian
** Indonesian
** German
** Spanish
** Portuguese
------------HOW TO PLAY--------------
Ludo is a classic dice and race game, played with four pieces per player and a set of dice. This Ludo currently support two players with two houses each. In this game, each player controls eight pieces. The goal of the game is to move all eight pieces home before your opponent.
------------MOVEMENT OF PIECE--------
A player with red house starts the game (in a case of winning, the loser starts the game with red house).
A piece can only come out of house when a die outcome is 6 but a piece that is already on the track can move with any dice outcome. Pieces travel through the track starting from home to the middle of the board. A track contains 56 steps.
A piece can only be removed if it successfully travels through the 56 steps or if it captures opponent's piece.
----------------PIECE CAPTURE-------------------
A player's piece can capture opponent's piece if it ends in a block that is occupied by an opponent's. The captured piece must be returned home while the player's piece is removed from the board.
The secret of the game is to capture your opponent's piece as many as possible and avoid being captured by your opponent's piece.
A piece cannot capture opponent's piece if the remaining outcome cannot be used.
----------IMPORTANT NOTE-----------
1. A player can only roll dice twice consecutively or more as far as each dice outcome is 6 (first dice outcome = 6 and second dice outcome = 6).
2. Dice outcome must be played before rolling another one no matter the outcome.
3. For fast and smooth play, go to settings and turn on DIRECT COUNT.
1. 下载逍遥安装器并完成设置
2. 启动逍遥后打开位于桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜索Naija Ludo
4. 下载并安装Naija Ludo
5. 下载完成后点击图标来启动
6. 通过逍遥在电脑上享受Naija Ludo
Play Naija Ludo on PC by following steps: