Перестаньте турбуватися про надм?рн? витрати, використовуючи ххх на сво?му моб?льному телефон?, зв?льн?ться в?д крих?тного екрану ? насолоджуйтеся використанням програми на набагато б?льшому диспле?. В?дтепер отримуйте повний екран свого додатка за допомогою клав?атури та миш?. MEmu пропону? вам ус? дивовижн? функц??, як? ви оч?кували: швидка установка та просте налаштування, ?нту?тивно зрозум?л? елементи керування, б?льше обмежень в?д акумулятора, моб?льних даних та тривожних дзв?нк?в. Новий MEmu 9 - найкращий виб?р використання BTS WORLD на вашому комп’ютер?. За допомогою нашого поглинання менеджер ?з к?лькома прим?рниками одночасно дозволя? в?дкрити 2 або б?льше рахунк?в. ? найголовн?ше, наш ексклюзивний емуляц?йний двигун може вив?льнити весь потенц?ал вашого ПК, зробити все гладким ? при?мним.
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Насолоджуйтесь чудовим досв?дом гри на ПК за допомогою програми MEMU App Player. Це потужний безкоштовний емулятор Android, який дозволя? вам грати в тисяч? ?гор Android. It's 2012-and you work at Big Hit.
It's 2012-and you work at Big Hit. As BTS's manager, their debut is up to you!
Is this the beginning of your success story?
Will you be able to go back to your own world?
It’s time to live your wildest dreams-jump right in!
[Game Characteristics]
? 'Help BTS Debut! Dramatic, cinematic 〈BTS STORY〉
-Embark on a journey where you and BTS grow together!
-Bring the members together and help them develop into great artists!
? What if they never joined BTS? 7 members, 7 different stories 〈ANOTHER STORY〉
-"I'll be your strength!" Befriend the different members and help them solve their problems to fulfill their dreams!
-Enjoy various genres of storytelling, from Mystery to Comedy to Sports and more!
-Detective Kim Namjun/Handsome Hotelier Kim Seok Jin/Min Yunki and the Music Academy/White-coated Angel Jeong Hoseok/
Park Jimin’s Rice Cakes, Dancing, Tears/Lv. 1 Farmer Kim Taehyung/Jeon Jeongguk and the Taekwondo Club
? "You're cordially invited to the Magic Shop!" Another Story Season 2 〈MAGIC SHOP〉
-A mysterious shop where memories are the currency of choice appears one day.
When 7 young men walk into through its doors, a magical journey begins...
-〈Magic Shop Rules〉 Wishes can come true... for the right price!
? "Who keeps pressing 'Like' on every new photo?" 〈1 on 1 conversations with the members of BTS〉
-Texts! Social Feed! Voice Calls! Video Calls!
Your battery can’t keep up with all these conversations!
-Increase Affinity with the members! Who knows, maybe you'll even learn their innermost thoughts!
? Available exclusively in BTS WORLD: 〈BTS Member Cards〉
-“I bet you’ve never seen a moving photo card before-right?"
Collect moving photo cards of BTS and let the members speak to you!
-Collecting and upgrading your different BTS Member Cards
will reveal even more exclusive stories and interactions with the members!
*For the best possible gameplay, make sure you have enough storage space.
*Additional fees may apply for in-app purchases.
[Recommended Specs]
RAM 2 GB, OS 4.4 or higher
[Permissions Info]
? Necessary Permissions
-Device Storage access is required to store and install data and to access the CS Center.
? Optional Permissions
(The service can be used even if permissions are not granted.)
-Camera access is needed to access Mobile content and to access the CS Center.
-Privacy Policy: https://help.netmarble.com/policy/privacy_policy.asp
-Terms of Service: https://help.netmarble.com/policy/terms_of_service.asp
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1. Download MEmu installer and finish the setup
2. Start MEmu then open Google Play on the desktop
3. Search BTS WORLD in Google Play
4. Download and Install BTS WORLD
5. On install completion click the icon to start
6. Enjoy playing BTS WORLD on PC with MEmu
MEmu App Player ? кращим безкоштовним емулятором Android, ? 50 м?льйон?в людей вже користуються його чудовим ?гровим досв?дом Android. Технолог?я в?ртуал?зац?? MEmu да? вам змогу в?дтворювати тисяч? ?гор Android на вашому комп'ютер?, нав?ть найб?льш насичених граф?кою.
Bigger screen with better graphics; Long duration, without limitation of battery or mobile data.
Full Keymapping support for precise control of keyboard and mouse or gamepad.
Multiple game accounts or tasks on single PC at one time with Multi-Instance manager.
Play BTS WORLD on PC by following steps: