愛玩Still Wakes the Deep的你,雙手不應該被束縛在智慧手機的小屏幕上。像職業選手一樣用鍵盤和滑鼠來全面控制你的遊戲吧。逍遙模擬器給你提供了你所有的期待。在電腦上下載、安裝Still Wakes the Deep並盡情遊玩。再也不用擔心剩餘電量、流量消耗和煩人的來電。全新的逍遙模擬器9是你在電腦上遊玩Still Wakes the Deep的最佳選擇!我们用心準備,完美的按鍵映射系統讓Still Wakes the Deep宛如電腦遊戲;我們,用嫻熟的技術編程,逍遙多開器讓所有遊戲開好開滿;獨一無二的虛擬化引擎釋放你電腦的全部潛力,一切都入絲般順滑。我們不僅在意你怎樣遊玩,更在意如何讓你享受遊玩的樂趣!
透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Still Wakes the Deep,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 STILL WAKES THE DEEP: A Return to First-Person Narrative HorrorSTILL WAKES THE DEEP is a return to the first-person narrative horror genre for The Chinese Room, the creator of critically acclaimed games such as Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and Dear Esther.
STILL WAKES THE DEEP: A Return to First-Person Narrative HorrorSTILL WAKES THE DEEP is a return to the first-person narrative horror genre for The Chinese Room, the creator of critically acclaimed games such as Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and Dear Esther. Survive the Storm and the Horrors AboardYou are an off-shore oil rig worker, fighting for your life through a vicious storm, perilous surroundings, and the dark, freezing North Sea waters. All lines of communication have been severed. All exits are gone. All that remains is to face the unknowable horror that's come aboard. Search for your crew and help them survive if you can. Run, climb, and swim through the flooding corridors and storm-lashed outer decks. Face a terrifying, unrelenting foe. And pray that, one day, you get to see your family again. The Chinese Room – with its reputation for world-class world-building, audio, writing, and acting – delivers a symphony of action, trepidation, tender emotions, and awe. Live the HorrorAn immersive disaster story aboard a stunningly-realised North Sea oil rig, starring an authentic cast of Scottish actors. Experience the beauty and ferocity of the sea as it rips apart one of humanity's strongest structures and its steadfast crew. Escape the RigNo weapons. No powers. Just your wits and determination. Struggle for survival on an unstable oil rig, where one wrong step could be your last. Face Your FearsSomething has turned your home into a nightmare, where the familiar becomes threatening, and where a noise in the dark fills you with dread. Resist the urge to turn back. Confront the unknown.
1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置
2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋Still Wakes the Deep
4. 下載並安裝Still Wakes the Deep
5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動
6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗Still Wakes the Deep
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