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透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Monster Hunter Stories,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 Monster Hunter Stories transforms the existing universe of Monster Hunter into a captivating RPG adventure, offering new and thrilling expansions to the lore.
Monster Hunter Stories transforms the existing universe of Monster Hunter into a captivating RPG adventure, offering new and thrilling expansions to the lore. This time, you're not hunting monsters; you're nurturing them! Embark on an immersive tale as a Monster Rider hero, forging not just partnerships, but profound connections with a variety of creatures.Reintroducing the pioneering Monster Hunter Stories title, this game features complete voice acting in both Japanese and English. It also introduces new elements like a museum mode where players can indulge in the game's soundtrack and check out concept art, facilitating an even deeper engagement with the Monster Hunter Stories universe. Storyline Synopsis:You emerge as the protagonist, originating from a village where residents, known as Riders, coexist and prosper by rearing monsters. Through various challenges, you mature as a Rider and launch into an odyssey outside your hometown towards the domain of Hunters, individuals who subsist by hunting monsters. Albeit their contrasting customs, cooperation and harmonious existence with the Hunters will narrow the divide between these two worlds.The serenity is disrupted as the catastrophic Black Blight looms over the globe, jeopardizing its existence and disrupting the once-peaceful life. Riders and Hunters must unite and confront this menace in an ultimate test of their resolve.Salvation lies with the Kinship Stone and its untapped might, and the enigmatic lore of “The Legend of Redan,” holding the clandestine beginnings of the Riders! Your monumental quest will unravel the profound significance of Kinship, flourishing through the strengthening of bonds. Bracing friendship and valorous achievements beckon— charge forth into the realm of Monster Hunter Stories! Gaming Experience:■ Engage in a turn-based RPG ensconced in the Monster Hunter universe!Monster Hunter Stories boasts a strategic combat setup that's approachable for those intimidated by action titles. Utilize Power, Speed, and Technicalassaults to foresee and subdue the rival's attack schemes, wreaking significant harm and securing victories in direct confrontations! Cultivate your Kinship Gauge to unlock abilities or deploy your Monsties' exclusive Kinship Skills!■ Make iconic series monsters your own Monsties!Navigate the terrain using Monstie talents, encounter and incubate eggs, and convert an array of monsters into your allies. The game features fan favorites like Zinogre, Nargacuga, and Lagiacrus.The Rite of Channeling is a sacred procedure that unlocks latent skills in your Monsties, fostering the creation of distinctive Monsties to challenge formidable adversaries!■ Online CapabilitiesAssemble a powerful team with your nurtured Monsties and engage in battles against other players! What's New:■ Bilingual voiceover completeness!Experience full immersion with the dual-language voice acting feature!■ Exclusive Museum additionsRevel in a collection exceeding 200 pieces of unseen concept illustrations and a vast array of musical compositions, with some presented in surround sound for the inaugural time!■ Comprehensive updates inclusionIncorporates all the additions from updates in the original game, such as monsters like Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Rajang, alongside expanded endgame material and extra customization options for characters, culminating in the definitive Monster Hunter Stories experience!
1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置
2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋Monster Hunter Stories
4. 下載並安裝Monster Hunter Stories
5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動
6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗Monster Hunter Stories
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