透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載虚無魚BasPi!?帶盾?:薩卡班甲魚,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 我們研究貓科動物的 299RC 正在研究貓的營養魚類。
我們研究貓科動物的 299RC 正在研究貓的營養魚類。
所以我們需要你們的幫助 我們希望您能幫助我們研究這種虛無主義的魚BasPi。
在此期間,我們希望您能讓這條 BasPi活下來,並代代相傳。
在這個魚缸裡,有時會有神秘生物盯上 BasPi。正常情況下,這種魚應該身披盔甲,但這種BasPi毛茸茸的,不可靠。我們準備了一些設備,以防萬一。你必須是成年人才能使用,但我希望這些裝備能幫你度過難關。感謝您的合作。
Our 299RC, which studies cats, was researching fish with high nutritional value for cats.
Our research revealed that ancient fish have abundant nutritional reserves that do not exist in modern fish.
However, no one has ever raised a fish, much less a fish with a nihilistic face that has no idea what it is thinking...
The researchers are a group of cat experts. No one knows how to raise a fish... The institute has decided that it is impossible to raise this nihilistic fish as it is!
So, we need your help. We need your help in researching this nihilistic fish "BasPi".
Right now, we can only provide a simple tank, common fish food, and an environment like that... As our research progresses, we will be able to add more equipment.
Until then, please keep this "BasPi" alive and pass it on from generation to generation.
In this tank, there are sometimes mysterious creatures that are after the "BasPi". Normally, this type of fish should be armored, but this "BasPi" is fluffy and unreliable. I have prepared some equipment for just in case. You will not be able to use them until you become an adult, but I hope that somehow you will survive the crisis with this equipment. Thank you very much.
*This story is a work of fiction.
1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置
2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋虚無魚BasPi!?帶盾?:薩卡班甲魚
4. 下載並安裝虚無魚BasPi!?帶盾?:薩卡班甲魚
5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動
6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗虚無魚BasPi!?帶盾?:薩卡班甲魚
Play 虚無魚BasPi!?帶盾?:薩卡班甲魚 on PC by following steps: