スマホ不要!プロ選手のようにキーボードとマウスで操作しよう。MEmuエミュはあなたにすべての期待を与える。電池が切れてしまうとか画面が小さいとかの問題を心配する必要がなくて、存分Feedly - Smarter News Readerを楽しんでください。新しいMEmuエミュ7はPCでFeedly - Smarter News Readerをプレイするのに最適!完璧なキーマッピングシステムにより、まるでパソコンゲームみたい。マルチインスタンスで複数のゲームやアプリを同時に実行!唯一無二な仮想化エンジンがパソコンの可能性を最大限になる。遊べるだけでなく、より楽しめる!
Feedly - Smarter News ReaderをPCでダウンロード!大画面でより楽しむ。電源が落ちてしまうとか通信料が足りないとかの問題を心配する必要がなく、PCの大画面でより快適にゲームを楽しましょう! Your central place to organize, read, and share the information you need to stay ahead of the next big trend in your industry.
Your central place to organize, read, and share the information you need to stay ahead of the next big trend in your industry.
Every day, millions of professionals and passionate learners use Feedly on their phones and tablets to follow the blogs, magazines, and other sources that matter to them.
With Feedly, you can easily organize all your publications, blogs, YouTube channels, and more in one place and consume and share more efficiently. No more zig zagging. All the content comes to you in one place, in a clean and easy-to-read format.
People use Feedly to read blogs, learn new topics, and track keywords, brands and companies.
Faster access to lots of different sources of news and information means that you can more easily keep up with important trends in your industry and build up expertise on the topics you really care about.
Because Feedly is connect to more than 40 million feeds, you can really go deep and find the niche content that is specific to your work or passion - this is a big difference from alternatives that feel very shallow and random in the content that is available.
From tech to business, design to marketing, media and beyond, Feedly helps you discover great feeds that you can organize in your feedly and read in one place.
Because it is powered by RSS, Feedly is an open system: you can add any RSS feed and read it wherever you go. Just enter the URL of that feed in the search bar or search for it by name.
Feedly offers useful integrations with Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Buffer, OneNote, Pinterest, LinkedIn, IFTTT, and Zapier so that you can easily share stories with your networks and teammates.
We believe in speed and simplicity. We spent a lot of time making sure Feedly is the best free reader available on the Android phones and tablets. The app loads fast and offers a simple and clean reading experience.
The best way to start is to search for a blog, magazine or newspaper you like to read and add it to your Feedly.
If you are looking for inspiration, you can open the search panel and browse some of our popular topics. We help you discover the best blogs for tech, business, food, marketing, entrepreneurship, design, baking, photography and more.
Our mission is to deliver in one place all the knowledge and inspiration you need to keep ahead.
Happy reading!
[We are [email protected] and @feedly if you need support or want to report a bug]
1. MEmuインストーラーをダウンロードしてセットアップを完了する
2. MEmuを起動し、デスクトップでのPlayストアを開く
3. PlayストアでFeedly - Smarter News Readerを検索する
4. Feedly - Smarter News Readerをダウンロードしてインストールする
5. インストールが完了したら、アイコンをクリックしてスタート
6. MEmuを使用してPCでFeedly - Smarter News Readerを楽しむ
MEmu App Playerは最高の無料で提供されるAndroidエミュレータで、5,000万人がすでに優れたAndroidゲーム体験を楽しんでいます。 MEmuの仮想化技術は、あなたのPCで何千ものAndroidゲームを快適にプレイすることを可能にします。
Use Feedly - Smarter News Reader on PC by following steps: