With all your passion for playing Beholder, you hands are not supposed to be limited on a tiny screen of your phone. Play like a pro and get full control of your game with keyboard and mouse. MEmu offers you all the things that you are expecting. Download and play Beholder on PC. Play as long as you want, no more limitations of battery, mobile data and disturbing calls. The brand new MEmu 9 is the best choice of playing Beholder on PC. Prepared with our expertise, the exquisite preset keymapping system makes Beholder a real PC game. MEmu multi-instance manager makes playing 2 or more accounts on the same device possible. And the most important, our exclusive emulation engine can release full potential of your PC, make everything smooth.
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Απολα?στε την υπ?ροχη εμπειρ?α αναπαραγωγ?? του Beholder σε υπολογιστ? με το MEMU App Player. Πρ?κειται για ?ναν ισχυρ? δωρε?ν εξομοιωτ? Android που σα? επιτρ?πει να πα?ζετε χιλι?δε? παιχν?δια Android. Welcome to a grim dystopian future.
Welcome to a grim dystopian future.
"The way Beholder has you trying to balance the moral tight rope is quite smart and definitely makes for interesting playthroughs and decisions." ?????????? Toucharcade
Featured in CNET's Best Mobile Games of 2017
A totalitarian State controls every aspect of private and public life. Laws are oppressive. Surveillance is total. Privacy is dead. You are the State-installed manager of an apartment building. Your daily routine involves making the building a sweet spot for tenants, who will come and go.
However, that is simply a facade that hides your real mission.
The State has appointed you to SPY ON YOUR TENANTS! Your primary task is to covertly watch your tenants and eavesdrop on their conversations. You must BUG their apartments while they're away, SEARCH their belongings for whatever can threaten the authority of the State, and PROFILE them for your superiors. You must also REPORT anyone capable of violating the laws or plotting subversive activities against the State to the authorities.
Beholder is all about making choices - choices that matter!
What will you do with the information you collect? Will you report the suspicious activities of a father and orphan his children? Or will you withhold the details about his illegal activities and give him a chance to make things right? You may also choose to blackmail him to acquire the money your family desperately needs.
You decide what happens: Every decision you make affects the way the story unfolds.
People aren't just objects: Each character you meet will have a thoroughly developed personality with his or her own past and present.
No decision is easy: If you are given the power to destroy the privacy of another person, should you? Or should you treat those on which you are spying the way they deserve?
You don't know where you'll end up: "Beholder" is a game of multiple endings.
"Blissful Sleep" additional story is already available!**
The Ministry of Introductions is honored to introduce Hector, the ex-landlord succeeded by Carl Shteyn. The time has come to tell the stories of:
The one who has fallen a victim to a horrifying mistake, and is now desperately seeking for salvation;
The ones who broke the law to find happiness and are now facing the consequences;
The one who risked his life for the State but has been left behind;
The one who had everything but lost it all;
The one who mews!
Return to Krushvice 6 and serve the State and Wise Leader well!
** Available through in-app purchase
? 3D Touch. Force touch will open the characters interaction menu.
? Cloud. Synchronize your game across all your devices.
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1. Download MEmu installer and finish the setup
2. Start MEmu then open Google Play on the desktop
3. Search Beholder in Google Play
4. Download and Install Beholder
5. On install completion click the icon to start
6. Enjoy playing Beholder on PC with MEmu
Το MEmu App Player, αποτελε? την ιδανικ?τερη δωρε?ν λ?ση για την εξομο?ωση του λειτουργικο? Android, και χρησιμοποιε?ται ?δη απ? περισσ?τερου? απ? 50 εκατομμ?ρια χρ?στε?, ο οπο?οι απολαμβ?νουν, την καταπληκτικ? εμπειρ?α παιχνιδιο? που προσφ?ρεται μ?σω τη? εφαρμογ??. Με τη χρ?ση του MEmu Virtualization, ε?ναι δυνατ? η αναπαραγωγ? παιχνιδι?ν Android στον υπολογιστ?, ακ?μη και εκε?νων που απαιτο?ν μεγ?λη επεξεργαστικ? ισχ? γραφικ?ν, δ?χω? συμβιβασμο?? στην ποι?τητα και στην εμπειρ?α χρ?ση?, ακριβ?? ?πω? ?να τελευτα?α? γενι?? κινητ? τηλ?φωνο.
Bigger screen with better graphics; Long duration, without limitation of battery or mobile data.
Full Keymapping support for precise control of keyboard and mouse or gamepad.
Multiple game accounts or tasks on single PC at one time with Multi-Instance manager.
Play Beholder on PC by following steps: